In 1991, 17-year-old Sonny Verone, stands at the precipice of the summer before his senior year with two goals: To kiss Veronica Lee, and successfully complete the traditional, “Senior Jump”from the railing of Queen’s Bridge. As Sonny and his friends navigate what they thought would be another lazy summer, Sonny unexpectedly befriends a mysterious girl with a suspicious past.
This newfound friendship changes the direction of Sonny’s summer with an excitement for things he never thought possible. That is until he is pulled into the crosshairs of Jasper Damon, a violent, vile man who seems untouchable due to his association with an organized crime family. As Sonny tries desperately to escape Jasper's wrath, he finds himself in a position where to save his own life, he must put another in danger.
Is it age or circumstance that marks the passage of a boy into manhood? Does one pivotal summer have the power to take a life, save a life, and change a life? The answer will be found in a small town, on a dark night, on an old bridge.
The gazebo was magic. Or so many Hazleton teenagers believed in 1987. Etching a wish into the post of the brilliant white structure guaranteed it would come true. What no one realized, however, was that every granted wish comes with a price.